Day 17 – Travel Day

To make our 9:30 AM flight from Amsterdam to Madrid, we got up early and proceeded to walk to the Centraal Station. It was an easy walk and I was surprised at how alive the city was at 6:00 AM. Navigating the train station is a trip but we found the right train to the airport and were off.

A lovely retired Indian gentleman was seated next to us who told his that he has already visited 35 countries, with the goal of 50 countries. He has his goal mapped out and was determined to see it through. He is from a town outside of Mombai in the south of India and was charming.

The four-hour flight went quickly and we had a couple of hours in Madrid to await our next flight. Once on the plane, we had to sit on the tarmac for about an hour. When I asked the flight attendant, he said that we missed the route window for the trans-Atlantic flight and would have to wait for another window to open up. I never heard of this before but it makes sense.

Going, we flew over New York but returning, we flew almost straight to Mexico. I got some sleep on the 12-hour flight but Jim was awake watching several movies. We arrived around 8:00 PM to a very happy dog and a housesitter who enjoyed being with her. Now, the fun part… acclimating to the time change!

Although I have noted some of the good and bad we had on the trip (mainly good), the last post, not counting the one with all the pictures, will give you an overall view of our travels this time. I write this blog to jog our memories of our travels but hope that you enjoy reading about where we go and what we do.

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