Day 2 – May 23 – Awake in Madrid

After a shower and lots of enthusiasm, we woke up around 3:00 PM. We walked (really only a 20 minute walk) toward Plaza EspaƱa with its incredible architecture, where we saw the Royal Palace, beautiful parks, and finally the Mercado San Miguel. We visited this amazing place on our last visit and it is definitely NOT TO BE MISSED. There are a myriad of pictures of our walk today and the spectacular food offerings in the Mercado.

The first thing is to walk all the aisles and peruse what excites you in food and beverages, then seek out a place to sit where, once found, required taking turns to get wonderful food and not lose your seat. Jim found some tasty beers and I had my favorite, a tinto verano. This is basically a beverage of lemonade with a little red wine. Since our first visit here in 2017, it has been my go-to drink.

While Jim was selecting his lunch, I became acquainted with the couple sitting next to us. Both are physicians from Colombia, who now live in Barcelona and were visiting Madrid on a holiday. They were darling. While I was finding something wonderful to eat, Jim began a conversation with another couple sitting across from us. They were a charming couple who met in Venezuela (she is from Germany with the bulk of her family there, and he is from Venezuela) but live in Malaga, Spain. His mother and sister live in Dallas, TX and while in their early 50’s, they are semi-retired and love to travel. She wants to go to Mexico to check out retirement in our beautiful country and we encouraged them to visit us in the near future.

The lovely walk back to our hotel, seeing so many others enjoying the end of the day, was a perfect end of another day in Madrid. We are looking forward to enjoying tomorrow.

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