Day 3 – Madrid

After walking over 8,000 steps this morning, we returned to the hotel to rest a bit. Our big breakfast meant that we didn’t need to eat lunch. I caught up writing my blog and added many of the pictures from our activities during our first two days here.

By 6:00, we ventured out to decide about a dinner venue and find a hat for Jim. Unfortunately, he left his Panama hat in the overhead bin on the plane here. It was an older one but…

We looked at several restaurants but most were empty. The busy places hosted folks having a beer (very popular) or wine as a late afternoon break or sometimes for breakfast!. Madrid is definitely a late night town, unlike Ajijic. We walked up Gran Via to a little corner outdoor cafe for a tinto verano for me and a beer for Jim. It was the perfect place to people watch and relax.

Finally, it was dinner time, around 8:00. We opted for a light dinner of garlic shrimp and a Spanish omelet (potatoes and eggs) that we shared. It was tasty and just the right amount of food. Afterward, we walked a few blocks more to Preciado, an area filled with great shops, buskers, and a gelato shop or two. No hat stores to be found.

We went into the local department store, Corte Ingles and there were beautiful Panama hats, not unlike the one Jim left behind. In Mexico, they are about the equivalent of $30 US. Here, they were $170-220 Euros! Yikes! Looks like he will be hatless for the trip, unless he finds something in Egypt. Unlikely…

By 9:30, we were ready to walk back to our hotel. The crowds on the route back were still animated and ready to continue having fun. It is past our normal bedtime but we can still hear people out and about, having a late meal.

After walking ove 15,000 steps today, we were ready for bed. Tomorrow, we have a free morning before we leave for our flight to Cairo. The weather here has been so enjoyable. Egypt will be much warmer, in the mid to high 90’s. Can’t wait!

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